Is There A Budding Author In You? – Ebook, Kindle and Information Product Support

Have you ever thought that you know more than enough about your particular business expertise to write a book about it? Or have you written articles or newsletters on a particular topic and thought that if only there were enough hours in the day, it could all be pulled together into an ebook or downloadable info product. Do you have a printed brochure or information pack that if reformatted, could be delivered online at the click of a mouse?

If you have lots of information you want to get across but don’t know how to get it quickly, easily and cost effectively to your potential readers, how about an ebook or information product?

At My Virtual Assistant, we provide an Ebook, Kindle and Info Product Support service that includes the collatation all your information, the design and content layout and proof reading and editing. We will then design and add a cover to the finished document, format it so it can be an online, downloadable product, and include a product image so you can advertise it on your web site.

For detailed information about the latest pricing, services and packages available, please complete the “Information Pack” form on the right and we will send you a link to download our latest information pack.

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“Hints and Tips provided by Justine Curtis of

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